100 years ago: 1919

Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson, daughter of President Wilson, has made two records since she began her career as a public singer. Her royalties on one of these records, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” are by her direction being turned over to the American Red Cross. The royalty paid to her is 25 cents a record.

50 years ago: 1969

The city of Auburn is still searching for a city engineer to replace Arthur O. Clark, who is resigning to accept the post of planning director for the city of Lewiston. Auburn city manager, Woodbury E. Brackett, said he has received two applicants and the city is seeking other qualified applicants. The Auburn city engineer-planner receives an annual salary of $11,440 and Brackett noted the city should fill the position in the near future.

25 years ago: 1994

The Y-Ettes will sponsor its annual card party on May 3 from 7 to 10 pm. at the YWCA. Planning and preparations are being made by Chairwomen Bertha Normand and Helen Maguire, with the assistance of Jackie O’Donnell, Adele Delmonico, Gloria Hall, Jane Pratt and Camilla Vasser. Prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be served.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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