LEWISTON — Music of Telemann and some traditional English dance music will fill the Oasis of Music at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, at Trinity Church, 247 Bates St.

The show will feature Chris Lansley, flute, and Greg Boardman, violin. Lansley and Boardman will repeat their performance of Sonata in D Major for two instruments by George Frederick Telemann, which they played for a sparse Oasis audience in the middle of a snowstorm last February.

Also on the program is a suite of Morris dance tunes arranged by the duo. The Morris is an ancient English Spring ritual dance usually danced by six men and a musician. The music is elegantly melodic, very traditional in sound, with unique sections of “slows,” in which fragments of the tune are slowed down to accommodate “capers,” the high and measured leaps of the individual dancers.

Admission is free with donations accepted. For more information, call 207-344-3106.