JAY — The Select Board has scheduled a public hearing for 6 p.m. Monday at the Town Office to discuss sewer rates before setting them for the 2019-20 fiscal year, which begins July 1.

Sewer Department Superintendent Mark Holt gave selectpersons a variety of scenarios, including leaving the rate unchanged.

The minimum base fee is $315 for up to 3,200 cubic feet. Amounts exceeding 3,200 cubic feet would cost an additional 9 cents per cubic foot of water used.

If the rate stayed as is, it would bring in about $486,225, and would cover 90 percent of the Sewer Department’s operation and maintenance cost, according to Holt.

Other possibilties include keeping the minimum base fee at $315 and adjusting the price per cubic foot by half a cent, 1 cent or 1½ cents to raise 92%, 95% or 100%, respectively, of the operation and maintenance budget.

Two other possibilities would reduce the minimum base fee to $300 and increase the price per cubic foot to cover 92% or 88% of the budget.


Currently, any operation and maintenance costs not covered by sewer users is paid for through general taxation, as is debt service.

In related matters, Jay will be responsible for a decreased share of the sewage treated at the Livermore Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant. Jay’s current rate is 62.4% and Livermore Falls is 37.6%. The split for 2019-20 is Jay, 52.1% and Livermore Falls, 47%.

Livermore Falls selectmen signed the agreement Monday.

Selectmen are also considering the purchase of  a new firetruck to replace two trucks. Firefighters have expressed concerns about Engine One, which responds to fires and automobile accidents, for nearly three years. The truck has acceleration issues, among other issues, especially when climbing hills, according to a letter firefighters gave to selectmen earlier this year.

In one case, according to the letter, the firetruck was heading to an automobile accident in which people might have been trapped inside a vehicle.

“While attempting to climb Woodman Hill Road, the truck continued to downshift from first gear in an attempt to further gain speed to climb the hill,” according to the letter. “The truck was going 7 mph when reaching the top of the hill.”


Numerous attempts have been made to fix the problems.

In March, selectpersons asked the fire chief to explore options for a new truck. After review by a subcommittee, including town officials and fire officers, the recommendation is to buy a new pumper-tanker truck from Greenwood in Brunswick.

The cost is would be $446,531, less a combined trade-in value of $165,000 leaving the truck cost at $281,531.

If the town makes a prepayment of that amount, there would be an additional $5,000 in savings.

The department has about $462,000 in a capital reserve account, with an additional $70,000 approved for July 1.

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