This week’s report for Telstar Middle School will highlight what is happening in the eighth grade core classes.

• ELA – Mrs. Jerome reports that Mark Twain, “America’s Original Superstar,” has graced us with his literary classic, “Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Students have enjoyed learning through this beautifully written novel. Tom and Huck, protagonists in the story, have shared a life-changing experience and through it, have become good friends. The mischief and trouble that they find themselves in is relatable to both adults and our eighth-graders. Rich vocabulary, historical information, foreshadowing, irony, satire, literary elements, and just plain good storytelling are what makes this piece so enjoyable for all. Students have performed skits, made new scenes, written new chapters and summaries, studied new vocabulary words, and have come to appreciate what young boys and girls did in the 19th century, without distractions like computers and phones.

• Math – Mr Booth reports that in eighth-grade classes, students are working with volume over the next few weeks and will finish the year with linear functions. Algebra classes are finishing the year with quadratics.

• Social Studies – Mrs. Kimball reports that in eighth-grade History, students are currently working on analyzing major historical eras, themes, events, consequences and people through researching the next set of presidents of the United States and their terms in office. Next, we’re moving on to the World Wars to finish out the year.

At Telstar Middle School, eighth-grade Science students have been building saltwater batteries that use pennies and zinc washers. (Submitted image)

• Science – Mr. Hedden reports that eighth-grade Science has been working on building saltwater batteries that use pennies and zinc washers. Students have designed 3D casings for their batteries and are developing names for them. Now, the students are using the 3D printer to make wind turbine hubs to use on a Lego motor as a generator. Once we have finished up generating power, we will be moving on to studying waves; during that unit we will be making musical instruments.



• After School Activities:

MKA – After school activities run Monday through Thursday, until the late bus. Weight room is also available. Students must have a handwritten note, email, or a permission slip in order to attend.

Late Bus – Departs TMS at 5:15 p.m. daily until spring sports can be outside regularly.

After School Academy (ASA) – Students can get homework help, redo assignments and/or assessments, or just have extra work time. Each grade level meets after school on Tuesdays until 4 p.m., and students are provided a snack. Students need a note to stay after, including a plan on how they are going home following ASA, which meets every Tuesday. Middle school students also have the option of attending Saturday School from 8 to 11 a.m. for additional academic help and work time, as well.

• Box Tops for Education – Please save your Box Tops for Education labels and have your students turn them in with their RAP teachers. The collection day is the last Wednesday of every month. If you don’t have a student at TMS, but would still like to support our students, box tops can be collected and dropped off in the Middle School office at your convenience. Our Student Leadership is taking on the task of clipping and counting this year for us. Thank you.

• The Giving Closet – TMS and the NorthStar Program created a clothing and accessory “store” where everything is free. THS/TMS students are encouraged to check with Mrs. Mastroianni, our school counselor; Mrs. Luetje, our dean of students; or Lyndsey Smith, our 4-H Youth Mentor, for an appointment. The closet will be open during all three lunch blocks twice a month. Feel free to contact us for more information. New toiletries, hair accessories and makeup are always appreciated; donations can come through the Middle School office.



• Students need to be HOWLs eligible in order to attend events such as activity nights and PTA-sponsored movies.

• Students need notes from home in order to stay after school for clubs, to attend ASA, and/or to use the weight room.

• Bus notes are required in writing (written note or email) for any student who is riding a bus to a location other than the one at which they are regularly picked up each morning.

Important dates to remember

Monday, May 6 – 10th Teacher Appreciation week.
Monday, May 6 – Middle School Sports photos.
Monday, May 6 – Summer reading challenge begins.
Tuesday, May 7 – TMS Band performs the National Anthem at the Sea Dogs Game, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, May 7 – PTA meeting in the Telstar Learning Commons, 6-7 p.m.
Tuesday, May 7 – Great Escape deadline.
Wednesday, May 8 – School Nurse Appreciation Day.
Friday, May 10 – Progress Reports #5 emailed home.
Tuesday, May 14 – TMS/THS Art Show, 6-7 p.m.
Tueday, May 14 – TMS/THS Spring Concert, 7 p.m.
Friday, May 17 – Middle School Fancy Dance (and parent social in library), 7-9 p.m.
Wednesday, May 15-20 – NWEA testing.
Monday, May 20 – PTA Muffin Monday; last of the year.
Thursday, May 23 – The Great Escape Event, for students who qualified for the reading challenge.
Friday, May 24 – Teacher Workshop day – no school for students.
Monday, May 27 – Memorial Day – no school.
Friday, May 31 – Last Star’s Assembly, 8:50 a.m.
Wednesday, June 5 – Parent Night for rising sixth-graders, in Telstar Library, 6 p.m.

Continue to check out our TMS website regularly at We are always adding new features and it is a great place to remain informed of TMS news, game schedules, homework, grade level calendars, morning announcements, parent newsletters and upcoming events. Thank you for your continued support.

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