This week’s report for Telstar Middle School will highlight what is happening in the seventh grade core classes.
• ELA –Mrs. Lilly reports that the summer reading challenge began May 6 and will end Sept. 6. Your student was given a log-in address and a website to keep track of the minutes they read. If you prefer, students can track minutes read over the summer on paper. For the first time, high schoolers can contribute their reading minutes to the Scholastic reading challenge. We are eager to “earn back the banner” of the most minutes read in the state of Maine. As a complex working together, I am confident we can do it. The students will be eligible for prizes, depending on the number of minutes that were read and logged. This summer, there will be open library times for students to come in and exchange their books. Please see the website or electronic sign by the student parking lot for reminders of those dates. The first date will be July 2, from 6 to 7. There will be a more immediate reward for those who log in and read each day for the remainder of this school year. We will celebrate with ice cream sandwiches and a free reading period outside on June 13.
Let’s go, Rebels!
• Math – Mrs. Waldie reports that seventh grade math classes are finishing their geometry unit with some fun projects. In collaboration with ELA, students are re-writing family recipes to either reduce or enlarge the number of servings. Mrs. Lilly has promised to make some of the delicious recipes with the students (and to share). Students are making circumference rulers that we will use to measure trees in the field. Using only our circumference rulers, students will measure and record the circumference of various trees and record the diameter and radius of each tree. Their next project will use students’ knowledge of surface area and volume to design and build replica fish tanks. The end of the year will arrive quickly, but we will be using everything we have learned this year to complete some additional fun projects.
• Social Studies – Mr. Cobb reports that the students have been investigating the history of Maine’s natural resource economy. They started with mining and quarrying, went into shipbuilding and the ice industry, and are finishing up with logging and lumbering industry. They watched historic video from the ’30s and ’40s showing river drives and the historical ways of bringing the wood to the mills. Next week, thanks Patrick at Landvest and Chadbourne Tree Farms, they will visit an active logging operation to witness how these operations have evolved through time and why the wood industry is still so important to our economic stability in this region. They will also tour the Hancock lumber mill to understand how the logs are turned into a usable product and how every part of the pine log is used in a responsible manner. The final unit of study this year will be the history of Maine tourism, which culminates with a final project called “My Maine Vacation.” This is when the students take a virtual vacation in Maine to understand how our economy works today and teaches them some important lessons on personal finances as well as learning about all the wonders of our great state.
• Science – Ms. Proulx reports that in seventh grade science, students are learning about genetics by participating in labs. They are learning about how traits are inherited and how mutations move through a population. We are also wrapping up the end of the year by going out to the stream behind the school and collecting data about the health of the stream. Students are split up into groups with nets, bins, magnifying glasses, ID sheets and a data sheet, and are picking one to two species to look for in the stream. We are doing this as part of a citizen science project through Vital Signs. In the next two weeks, students will test out their underwater ROVs that they created through the Tech Wizard Program at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center. They have been working on their ROVs for the past couple months on Thursdays under the instruction of Gary Proulx from the 4-H camp. Through this project, students learned about buoyancy and electrical circuits, and also were able to build their own controllers to operate their ROV.
Afterschool activities:
• MKA – Afterschool activities run Monday through Thursday until the late bus. Weight room is also available. Students must have a handwritten note, email or a permission slip in order to attend.
• Late Bus – Departs TMS at 5 p.m. daily, until spring sports can be outside regularly.
• After School Academy (ASA) – Students can get homework help, redo assignments and/or assessments, or just have extra work time. Each grade level meets after school every Tuesday until 4 p.m., and students are provided a snack. Students need a note to stay after, including a plan on how they are going home following ASA. The last ASA is June 4. Middle school students also have the option of attending Saturday School from 8 to 11 a.m. for additional academic help and work time as well.
• Box Tops for Education – Please save your Box Tops for Education labels and have your students turn them in with their RAP teachers. The collection days are the last Wednesday of every month. If you don’t have a student at TMS, but would like to support our students, Box Tops can be collected and dropped off in the Middle School office at your convenience. Our Student Leadership is taking on the task of clipping and counting this year for us. Thank you.
• The Giving Closet – TMS and the NorthStar Program created a clothing and accessory “store” where everything is free. THS/TMS students are encouraged to check in with school counselor Mrs. Mastroianni, Dean of Students Mrs. Luetje, or Lyndsey Smith, our 4-H Youth Mentor, for an appointment. The closet will also be open during all three lunch blocks twice a month. Feel free to contact us for more information. Donations of new toiletries, hair accessories and makeup are always appreciated; they can come through the Middle School office.
• Students need to be HOWLs eligible in order to attend events such as activity nights and PTA-sponsored movies.
• Students need notes from home in order to stay after school for clubs, to attend ASA, and/or to use the weight room.
• Bus notes are required in writing (written note or email) for any student who is riding a bus to a location other than they one they are regularly picked up at each morning.
Important dates to remember
Thursday, May 30 – Seventh grade field trip #1 to Bryant Pond 4-H and Hancock Lumber.
Friday, May 31 – Final Stars Assembly of the Year, starting at 8:50 a.m. in the Auditorium.
Tuesday, June 4 – Last TMS ASA for the year.
Wednesday, June 5 — Parent Night for rising sixth-graders in Telstar Library, 6 p.m.
Thursday, June 6 – Seventh grade field trip #2 to Bryant Pond 4-H and Hancock Lumber.
Tuesday, June 11 – Eighth-Graders Visitation Day at TFATMS.
Tuesday, June 11 – Laptop turn-in day.
Tuesday, June 11 – Sixth and seventh grade Step Up Day for RAP Groups.
Tuesday, June 11 – TMS Spring Sports Recognition in the Auditorium, 3:45 to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, June 11 – School Budget Voting Day at local polls.
Wednesday, June 12 – Sixth and seventh grade field trip to Papoose Pond.
Thursday, June 13 – Fifth-Graders Visitation Day at TMS.
Thursday, June 13 – Eighth Grade Night in the Auditorium, 6 p.m.
Friday, June 14 – Eighth Grade trip to Fun Town.
Saturday, June 15 – Telstar 50th Celebration events take place at the Telstar Complex.
Monday, June 17 – Last day of school. Final Assembly will be from 8 to 10 a.m. for academic awards. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, Aug. 22 – Sixth Grade Orientation Day at TMS, more information to follow.
Wednesday, Aug. 28 – First Day of 2019-2020 school year begins.
Continue to check out our TMS website regularly at We are always adding new features and it is a great place to remain informed of TMS news, game schedules, homework, grade level calendars, morning announcements, parent newsletters and upcoming events. Thank you for your continued support.
Send questions/comments to the editors.