OXFORD — Voters at the annual town meeting Saturday will decide on a $5.7 million municipal budget and elect officials at the polls Tuesday.

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. in the Oxford Elementary School cafeteria at 79 Pleasant St.

The budget is $204,462 more than this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

The 37-article warrant asks voters to raise and appropriate $680,145 for the Highway Department, an increase of about $35,000 from this fiscal year, and $855,706 for the Police Department, an increase of about $33,000 from 2018-19.

Voters will also be asked to raise and appropriate $373,698 for the Fire Department, which is about $5,400 less than a year ago, and $312,204 for the Rescue Department, an increase of about $2,000.

Other spending requests include:


• $298,959 for the waste water treatment account, an increase of more than $16,000;

• $721,569 for the administration account, an increase of less than $1,000;

• $119,441 for the Recreation Department, an increase of about $30,000;

• $667,711 for the capital improvements project account, a $73,500 increase;

• $291,509 for the Transfer Station account, an increase of about $11,000; and

• $32,600 for the Freeland Holmes Library account, which is an increase of $700.

Elections will be held Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Public Safety Building, 701 Main St.

Selectmen Caldwell Jackson and Floyd Thayer face opposition from Sharon R. Jackson, Roger K. Wulleman and Amy L. Wuori.

SAD 17 Directors Stacia Cordwell and Ronald K. Kugell are running unopposed, as is Water District Trustee Thomas Kennison.

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