HARRISON — Voters approved ordinances Tuesday for mass gatherings, building codes and subdivisions.

The mass gathering ordinance reduces the number of people allowed to gather without a permit from 1,000 to 500.

A draft shoreland zoning map created by the Lakes Environmental Association changes several resource protection areas on the town’s lakes.

Changes to the subdivison ordinance, last updated in 2006, were approved, as was a building code ordinance that provides homeowners protection from inferior work and dishonest contractors.

The mass gathering ordinance passed 91-42, the subdivision ordinance 99-32, the shoreland map 98-31 and the building code ordinance 101-31.

Voters can now vote on town meeting articles by absentee ballot.

Voters also approved a proposal to hold town meeting votes by secret ballot, meaning Harrison residents will be able to vote on warrant articles when they go to the polls for the annual town election or through absentee ballot voting.

Colleen Densmore and Brian Spaulding ran unopposed for two Planning Board seats, Raymond Laplante ran unopposed for a selectman’s seat, Lisa Villa ran unopposed for an Appeals Board seat, and no one was elected to an open seat on the School Administrative District board of directors.

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