FARMINGTON — An Industry man is accused of hitting a 1-year-old boy in the face, leaving red marks and bruises, according to police.

Thomas Buzzell Franklin County Detention Center

Farmington police arrested Thomas J. Buzzell, 25, on a felony charge of assault on a child younger than 6 years old and misdemeanor charges of operating under the influence and operating after license suspension.

The boy’s mother picked up Buzzell at work Sunday and drove to a store, leaving Buzzell, his son and her son in the car while she shopped, according to an affidavit by Farmington Police Department Officer Brandon Sholan filed in a Farmington court.

When she returned to the vehicle, she saw red marks on her toddler’s face and took him to Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington. Due to his injuries, the doctor transferred him him to Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, but didn’t believe the boy was in any “serious danger,”  according to the affidavit.

“It was clear by the size of the markings on the (boy’s face) that he had been struck with a large object such as an adult hand,” Sholan wrote.

The boy’s mother called 911 to report the assault and that Buzzell had left the hospital in her vehicle. When Sholan and fellow officer Ryan Rosie met her at the hospital they saw red marks and bruising on the boy’s face from his nose to his forehead and noticed the bruising was spreading, Sholan wrote.


A friend of the mother arranged to meet Buzzell at a pond in Industry to get the child’s car seat, and police watched him drive into the parking lot.

Buzzell told police the boy’s crying annoyed him so he put a pacifier in his mouth but he did not hit him. He told police he had had a few shots of whiskey, according to the affidavit.

After police observed him swaying, slurring his words and emitting a strong odor of intoxicants, Buzzell was given a sobriety test and arrested, the affidavit states. He was taken to the Franklin County jail in Farmington and freed Monday on a supervised release agreement.

A conviction for felony assault is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. Convictions for drunken driving and operating after suspension are punishable by up to 364 days and 180 days in jail, respectively.

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