JAY — The Select Board voted 4-1 on Monday, June 10, to sign an addendum to its agreement with Archie’s Inc. of Mexico to haul recyclables it collects at curbside to Archie’s Farmington operation for sorting and marketing beginning July 1, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.
Selectman Gary McGrane opposed the shift, as he had done May 13 when the board voted 4-1 to hire Archie’s instead of renewing a contract with Ecomaine to dispose of single-sort recyclables at its plant in Portland.
Chairman Terry Bergeron, Vice-Chairman Tim DeMillo, Judy Diaz and Tom Goding voted both times for Archie’s.
Archie’s will continue to collect and take recyclables to the Jay transfer station for weighing before taking them to Farmington to be sorted by the company’s staff and to be marketed, according to LaFreniere. The cost for disposal will be $78 a ton.
The per ton cost is in addition to the annual curbside collection contract price of $123,000 Jay pays Archie’s.
Archie’s now leaves the town’s recyclables at the transfer station where town employees sort them to remove contaminated materials before they go to Ecomaine in Portland.
Under the new agreement, the town will weigh and take recyclables dropped off at the transfer station to the Archie’s in Farmington.
Single-sort material consists of plastics Nos. 1 through 7, mixed paper, glass, corrugated cardboard, newspaper and magazines, tin and aluminum. Plastic bags are not included. If market conditions change, the town can revise the listed materials, according to the addendum signed Monday, June 10.
The town’s contract with Ecomaine is for $15 a ton, not including transportation costs, but if there is any contamination in the load, a penalty is assessed. The company was not offering the same rate to Jay as it had in the past, according to LaFreniere.
Ecomaine offered Jay a choice between two programs. One would have calculated the town’s cost/revenue monthly based on the recycling market. The other would have established a $65 a ton fee paid each month. At the end of the contract year, Ecomaine would determine whether the amount paid had covered costs or was too much and would adjust the fees accordingly. The contamination fees would still be in place with both options so the town would likely have needed to continue sorting recyclables at the transfer station to avoid additional charges, LaFreniere wrote in a memo to the board.
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