The Board of Selectmen began Monday evening at 5 p.m. with a public hearing to discuss the downtown parking plan. The Board would be presented with a parking plan that would convert all horizontal parking spaces in the area from the Frosty to the Post Office to parallel parking spaces, the result a net loss of two parking spaces. Improvements to curbing, handicap parking spaces and crosswalks were all outlined. Critical safety issues and visibility for businesses were a couple of the reasons sighted for the improvements.
The regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. The Board would unanimously authorize several consent items, the first was to approve accounts payable warrant numbered sixty in the amount of $71,455.67, a liquor license amendment to include an outdoor patio for Furbish Brew House and Eats, liquor license renewal applications for Parkside & Main, C&C Food Design DBA The Shed and Loon Lodge Inn. They would also approve event permits for the RFA street dance scheduled for July 17th and the Rangeley Region Guides & Sportsmen Strawberry Festival scheduled for July 11th. They had to correct language of the previous vote to authorize the Code Enforcement Officer to deal with dangerous buildings as the final consent item.
Two firms responded to the RFP for auditing services, Maine Municipal Auditing Services and RHR Smith & Company, the Town’s current auditing firm chose not to provide a proposal. The recommendation of the Treasurer was that the previous firm Maine Municipal Auditing Services be selected again, while the Board appreciated the recommendation it is not up to the Treasurer to initiate auditing services. The Board would vote to award the bid to the firm that they felt could provide the services to the standard they expected and had confidence entrusting their responsibility to, RHR Smith & Company in the amount of $8,000. Six firms responded to the RFP for Loon Lake Road Engineering, the Board voted to award the bid to Main-Land in the amount of $29,900 ($35,300 with sidewalk). Four firms responded to the RFQ for Airport Consultant, the Airport Commission recommended Stantec as a first choice and Dubois King as a second choice, the bid was awarded to long time consultant Stantec.
Town Manager report items included department head updates provided by the Code Enforcement Officer, Public Services Director, Police Chief and Fire Chief. A calendar announcement that secret ballot town meeting is June 11, 2019, polls will be open from 8 am to 8 pm. Notice of public hearing on the Franklin County Budget, including a copy of the proposed figures, if approved as submitted the Town could expect an increase in County tax in the amount of $10,002. Grant application information for stream crossing infrastructure improvements at Bugle Cove and Bald Mountain Road culverts were provided, if funding is obtained by a single grant the monies will be used for the Bald Mountain Road culvert first. Finally, the Board voted to go to parallel parking on Main Street per the submitted parking plan.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2019 at 6 pm and will be held at the Oquossoc Fire Station.
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