JAY — Selectpersons voted 3-2 Tuesday to buy a 2019 F-350 cab and chassis for $30,620 and to spend up to $10,000 for a utility bed and equip it for the Fire/Rescue Department.

The amount factors in an $8,400 trade-in for the 2004 F-350 utility truck.

Fire/Rescue Chief Mike Booker will use about $30,000 from this year’s operating budget to buy the truck from Casco Bay Ford in Yarmouth. The money for the utility bed and equipment will come out of the department’s capital reserve account.

Booker approached the board June 10 asking to buy a utility body for the 2004 to make it more compatible for the department. Selectpersons asked him to bring back quotes for a new utility truck.

The new truck will have a full-crew cab with seating for six compared to the extended cab on the existing truck, which is much smaller, Booker said.

Selectperson Judy Diaz wanted to table the truck purchase to be able to look over information.


“You are buying a truck that is not big enough,” she said.

Booker said if he doesn’t use the money in the operating account now it will go into the town’s general fund as of July 1.

Selectpersons in favor of the purchase were Chairperson Terry Bergeron, Vice Chairperson Tim Demillo and Gary McGrane. Opposed were Diaz and Tom Goding.

In other business, Bergeron announced that the Town Office will be closed at noon Friday to close the year-end financial books.

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