POLAND — Democratic state Rep. Jessica Fay spoke about the recent legislative actions at Tuesday’s selectpersons meeting, including her support to ban handheld cellphones and devices in automobiles.

Fay also said she was disappointed in the Legislature’s failure to get a climate impact study on the proposed New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line that would run from Quebec through Western Maine to Lewiston.

Fay represents parts of Casco, Poland and Raymond, and serves on the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources and the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. She said she would have liked more information forthcoming on the corridor’s impact on wildlife, water quality and carbon dioxide emissions. The fate of the corridor lies in the hands of the Department of Energy and the Army Corps of Engineers, she said.

She said she hopes “we get to the bottom” of other issues concerning CMP before a proposed rate hike is approved.

In other business, selectpersons agreed to seek bids for multiple 10-foot sections of “trail bridge” for the trail system in the Bragdon Hill Conservation Area.

Allan Audet, president of the Trail Committee, said the wooden bridges are deteriorating and need to be replaced to protect the natural habitat. The conservation area consists of 455 acres, of which 229 acres are owned by the town of Poland and 226 acres by the New England Forestry Foundation.

The trail system consists of 3.4 miles through mixed forestlands from the North Raymond Road trail head to Bragdon Hill Road and is largely on the Town Farm West lot. Additional trails are being developed east of Bragdon Hill Road on land owned by the town of Poland, including the Town Farm East lot and land owned by the New England Forestry Foundation.

Audet also told selectpersons of his plan to develop the Waterhouse Brook Trail, which lies behind Poland Community School, into a “living laboratory” for students and adults.

Selectpersons authorized timber harvesting off Tiger Hill Road. Funds generated by the sale of the lumber will go into the Municipal Facilities Fund, also known as the “Timber Fund.”

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