Janet Poland of Wilton at left and her mother Vivian Searles of New Vineyard visited the recent Christmas in July Sale at North Jay Grange. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

NORTH JAY — The Christmas in July and baked goods sale are one way North Jay Grange members help others in their community.

“People look forward to our sales. The sales and suppers pay the bills and go towards the Community Service Fund,” Overseer Marilyn Morse said.

The North Jay Grange provides food baskets or gift cards in November. It donates afghans, clothing, household goods and other items to families in need. The Grange donates to food cupboards.

“About two weeks ago eight large garbage bags full of clothing were donated to residents of Edgewood Manor in Farmington. People on the south end lost everything in the fire,” Morse said. “We keep busy. All these non–profits need members, ways to raise money.”

North Jay Grange Overseer Marilyn Morse at left and Treasurer Raelynn York work in the baked good and luncheon area during the recent Christmas in July sale. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

North Jay Grange was the last Grange store in the country. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

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