A Welcome to Wilton luncheon was served to LEAP employees Wednesday at the Wilton Congregational Church UCC. Pictured from left are Arline Amos, Kim Fast, Rev. David W. Smith and LEAP Executive Director Darryl Wood. Pam Harnden/Franklin Journal

WILTON — Wednesday members of the Wilton Congregational Church UCC served a soup luncheon to LEAP Inc. employees to welcome them to town.

LEAP staff has been using the former Bass factory on Weld Street in the aftermath of a propane leak that destroyed its facility in Farmington on Sept. 16.

Kim Fast, who helped organize the luncheon, welcomed everyone to the meal.

Rev. David W. Smith said he and his wife were on a trip to Europe in September.

“Even in Austria I heard what had happened,” he said. “It hung over me like a lead balloon the rest of my trip.

“What you do is fantastically good. We don’t always know why things happen.”

The menu featured two soups, several breads, salad, hot and cold beverages and cookies and pies for dessert. Church members sat with the LEAP employees and lively conversations were heard during the meal.

LEAP Executive Director Darryl Wood said he feels good to be in Wilton.

Members of the Wilton Congregational Church wait on LEAP employees Wednesday during a Welcome to Wilton luncheon at the church. Pam Harnden/Franklin Journal

Members of the Wilton Congregational Church UCC at left wait to serve LEAP employees during a Welcome to Wilton lunch Wednesday at the church. Pam Harnden/Franklin Journal