WILTON — Wednesday Night Ladies: Week of October 23th
Teams: Bowling Belles 42-22; Mines in the Gutter
41-23; Designs by Darlene 39-25; Willett-Glo ?
36-26; Spare Change 30-24; Wreckin Balls 28-36
Just 1 More 24-40; Living on a Spare 16-48
High Games; Lynn Chellis 185; Cecile Willett 162
Rocell Marcellino 152; Melissa Malone 147
Nicole Edmunds 146; Katie Dube 142; Michelle
Perkins 137; Vicky Kinsey 134, Kay Seefeldt 134
High Series; Lynn Chellis 495; Cecile Willett 417
Melissa Malone 402; Nicole Edmunds 400
Katie Dube 390; Rocell Marcellino 377
Vicky Kinsey 375; Heather Malone 374
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