100 Years Ago 1920

“Some of the marketmen who have been sticking to motor-deliveries gave up Wednesday. Others who tried their cars, wished they had, as well. Until the streets are cleared more or the snow
is settled down motoring is an expensive proposition on gas and tires.

50 Years Ago: 1970

Prin. Robert Chick of Webster Junior High School told members of the Auburn Education Council Monday night at a meeting at that school of the efforts put forth by the students in raising their own activity funds. Chick said that through magazine sales campaigns and candy sales the students raised the funds and these were used or improvements at the school as designated by the students and their advisors.

25 Years Ago: 1995

Bear meat marinated in teriyaki sauce, breaded sucker and garlicky deer meat were a few of foods prepared and eaten by members of the Norway-Paris Fish and Game Club at its annual Wild-Game Supper. People like to try different things” said veteran club member Carol Flanders, who added that some of her favorite non-traditional foods are muskrat and eel. “Eel is a nice sweet fish,” she said of the snaky-shaped critter often found in local lakes. And muskrat, more often thought of as a source of fur than food, was mentioned as a favorite by some club members.

The material used in  Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.

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