100 Years Ago 1920
The women and misses of this community are going to have a sort of a convention beginning Thursday morning and it will be at the Novelty Cloak Store, where the seasons sale of fine clothes, furs and millinery offers are. We say a convention because women from all over this section of Maine will be there. Women are now finding out what it means to them to watch just such sales as these, keep themselves clothed in style and quality and at an enormous saving. ‘
50 Years Ago: 1970
Girl Scout leaders from the Twin Cities and area towns are planning to attend the fourth annual College of Scouting being held at Westbrook Junior College, Portland, Jan 30 and 31.|Registered to attend are the following troop leaders and administrators: Miss Verna Howard, Mrs. Ronald Emery, Mrs. LeRoy Greenlaw, Mrs. Walter Sargent, Mrs. Kenneth James, and Mrs. Richard Harris, of Auburn; Mrs. Philip Thompson of Mechanic Falls, Mrs. Eleanor Hill and Mrs. Ruth W. Niles of Monmouth, Mrs. Herbert E. Donnell of North Leeds and Mrs. George A, Sanborn of Sabattus.
25 Years Ago: 1995
A Superior Court judge ruled Monday that Girl Scout cookies and Boy Scout popcorn are exempt from Maine’s sales tax, but snack lovers may still have to pay the extra 6 percent this year. Justice Donald Alexander said the state erred when it changed its interpretation of the state’s “snack tax” and extended it to Scouts. He called the shift in the state’s position “arbitrary and capricious.” Jane Hartwell, lawyer for the Girl Scouts’ Council, said she was happy about the outcome but anxious about the prospect of having to collect the tax pending a possible state appeal to the Maine supreme court.
The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.
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