Spruce Mountain School District Board of Directors 9th regular school board meeting for the 2019-2020 school year Thursday, January 23 at 6 p.m.

Spruce Mountain Elementary School

Finance committee will meet at 5:30 p.m.

School Board Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Attendance
  4. Adjustments to the agenda
  5. Approval of meeting minutes

5.1. January 9, 2020 – School Board Meeting Minutes – Action item

  1. Communications / Correspondence – Informational items

6.1. Retirement notification of Wendy Deming, Title I reading teacher @ SMES


6.2. Retirement notification of Shelley Franchetti,Title I Ed Tech III @ SMES

6.3. Resignation of Julie Imbruno, science & social studies teacher @ SMMS

6.4. Presentation by Spruce Mountain Elementary School (Grade 3 Math)

  1. Public comments
  2. Board comments – Informational item
  3. Superintendent’s report

9.1. Scott Albert – Informational item

  1. Administrator reports – Informational items

10.1. Kevin Harrington – SMPS

10.2. Greg Henderson – SMMS


10.3. Chris Hollingsworth – curriculum and technology

10.4. T J Plourde – SMHS

10.5. Marc Keller – SMHS

10.6. Pat St. Clair – SMES

  1. Board chair’s report

11.1. Bob Staples – Informational item

  1. Committee reports
  2. Policy
  3. Old business

14.1. Approval of tennis courts project/property – Action item


  1. New business – Action item

15.1 Executive Session to discuss contract, negotiations in accordance with 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A)

  1. Appointments

16.1. Co-curricular appointments – Informational item

  1. Other business

17.1. 2020-2021 Budget information to board members -Informational item

  1. Calendar announcements – Informational item

January 30 Budget overview meeting @ Spruce Mountain Middle School

Regular ed accounts – school administration, system administration, primary school, elementary school and special services.

February 13 Budget overview meeting @ Spruce Mountain High School

Regular ed accounts – middle school co-curricular, transportation, maintenance, high school co-curricular, debt service and other commitments, all-other accounts (including food service), and adult education.

  1. Adjournment – Action item