100 Years Ago 1920
It Is understood that the Lewiston teachers are talking about $250. increase in the salary of each, as the specific totals of thelr new campaign for more pay. Supt. C. W. Bickford and a majority—practically all—of the schoolboard are said to favor some increase the coming year, for there is a disposition on part of those in authority to keep the Lewiston schools at the head of the list In efficiency and in salaries paid as compared with other schools of the State.
50 Years Ago: 1970
State Sen. Donald J. Bernard, of Auburn has been appointed
by Gov, Kenneth M. Curtis as the member representing the
Maine State Senste on the Governor’s Committee on Children and Youth. A meeting of the committee at which the governor will speak, has been called for 2 pm. Thursday in the conference room of the Vocational Rehabilitation Bulilding, Winthrop Street, Augusta. Chairman Albert G. Dietrich of Orrington will conduct the meeting, and Governor Curtis will present an outline of the committee’s duties.|
25 Years Ago: 1995
Quick thinker Michael Ames, a second-grader at Farwell School in Lewiston, received a hat from United Ambulance Service Paramedic David Reed, along with a certificate of achievement, during a brief ceremony at the school Tuesday afternoon. Michael called 911 after his mother became ill, and he was rewarded Tuesday for his quick thinking and action.
The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.
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