100 Years Ago 1920
The annual reports of the superintendent and special teachers of the Auburn Public schools have been made to the school board. This is the 12th annual report submitted by Superintendent Randal. One problem which he mentioned as confronting the authorities, not only in| Auburn, but in all parts of the country, is that of salaries. It Is believed that the scheduler in Auburn now compares favorably with other cities and towns in the same class as to wealth and educational opportunities, The recent increase of $200 enabled the city to retain several of its best teachers.
50 Years Ago: 1970
Discussion of a proposed site for a new central fire station will take place next Tuesday night at a meeting of the Lewiston Board of Mayor and Aldermen. At a recent meeting, an informal poll of the seven member board, five of the aldermen were in favor of the former Garcelon School site as the location for a new central station. The school site was included in the site recommendations of the Fire Station site. The committee appointed by Mayor John B. Beliveau and chaired by Ward One Alderman Robert W. Clifford.
25 Years Ago: 1995
The Rotary Club recently announced that Sue Batchelder has been named 1994 Rotarian of the Year. Batchelder was chosen from a field of 10 candidates nominated by club members. Perry Palmer, 1993 Rotarian of the Year, said the selection criteria includes club meeting attendance, community participation as a Rotarian and promotion of Rotary in the schools and community.
The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.
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