Spruce Mountain School District Board of Directors meeting agenda

6 p.m. Thursday, February 27, Spruce Mountain Primary School

Finance committee will meet at 5:30 p.m.

  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Attendance
  4. Adjustments to the agenda
  5. Approval of meeting minutes
  6. Communications / correspondence

6.1. Retirement notification from Jay Lindsey – SMHS science teacher

6.2. Retirement notification from Daniel Lemieux – SMHS technology Teacher

  1. Public comments
  2. Board comments
  3. Superintendent’s report: Scott Albert
  4. Administrator reports

10.1. Kenneth Vining – maintenance director


10.2. James Shink – transportation director

10.3. Robyn Raymond – adult education director

10.4. Tina Collins – Section 504 coordinator

10.5. Tammy Verreault – director of special services

10.6. Laura Lorette – food service director

  1. Board chair’s report: Bob Staples
  2. Committee reports
  3. Policy
  4. Old business

14.1. FY21 Budget Discussion – Revenue


  1. New business
  2. Appointments
  3. Other business
  4. Calendar/announcements

❖ March 12 6 p.m. Regular school board meeting, Spruce Mountain Elementary School

➢ Policy Committee will meet at 5 p.m.

■ Board review Revenue session FY 21 Budget

❖ March 19 snow date for budget overview session (only if needed)

❖ March 26 6 p.m. Regular school board meeting at Spruce Mountain High School

➢ Finance committee will meet at 5:30 p.m.

■ Budget vote on established warrants

  1. Adjournment

Any individual who needs special accommodations to enter the building or assistance to attend this public meeting, must contact the Superintendent’s Office at least (5) days in advance of the meeting. (A.D.A)