100 Years Ago: 1920

A. P. Roy of the Goss store on lower Main street was feeling well satisfied with the work done by the team of which he was captain in the recent drive of St. Peter and Paul church. There were 20 teams in all, but his came out fourth, which certainly was a good showing. His team was numbered 13 and he no longer believes that this is an unlucky number.

50 Years Ago: 1970

Margaret J. Buker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Buker of Auburn was the highest ranking student in the Senior class at Bates College. She was one of nine seniors inducted into the Gamma Chapter of Maine, Phi Beta Kappa at a meeting of the chapter Sunday afternoon.She and her parents  attended the chapter dinner later at the Auburn United Methodist Church. Miss Buker was named a fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation last February, and plans to enter graduate school next year, her aim being
to teach American history on the college level. A history major, she earned high honors in the field, has been a Charles A. Dana Scholar since her sophomore year and has been a dean’s list student She has been employed as a student assistant at the college library. Mrs. Buker, the former Erna Larrabee, also is a graduate of Bates College, as was another daughter, Elizabeth B Creighton and her father Ernest E. Larrabee, class of 1909.

25 Years Ago: 1995

Zack Yates, and Liz Langelier, presented  Margaret Vickery a tote bag signed by all the students in Fairview School’s primary multi-age class in celebration of her 90th birthday. A resident of Clover Living Center, she has been a reading mentor at Fairview for nine years. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning she walks to the school to listen to first and second-grade students read. When asked why she continues to volunteer, she responded, “I like it.” With purple balloons, cards, gifts and a large cake, the students and staff thanked her for her years of devotion.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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