
After backing up standout middle infielders in past seasons, Noah Oufiero was poised to become a starter and key contributor this season for the Oxford Hills baseball team. Submitted photo

The cancellation of the 2020 spring high school sports season didn’t change Noah Oufiero’s mission. It just changed the destination.


Noah Oufiero will continue his baseball career at the University of Maine at Farmington. Brewster Burns photo

Oufiero was poised to become the starting second baseman for the Oxford Hills Vikings baseball team this spring. A valuable reserve on last year’s Class A North champions, he was finally going to get his turn after backing up two middle-infield stalwarts, Rodney Bean and Janek Luksza, the past few seasons.

Like many of his Vikings teammates, Oufiero was working hard during the offseason to prepare for what he believes would have been an opportunity to prove that Oxford Hills was not in a rebuilding mode after graduating a loaded senior class.

“We had something to prove,” he said. “We knew people were going count us out this year but we knew what we had. We had just as much coming back as we lost, and we were looking forward to seeing what we could do with it, which was making another run at a state title.”

Besides taking swings off a tee, Oufiero was preparing for the season with some tools that aren’t inherent to baseball, such as a tractor tire and a sledgehammer, and running wind sprints on a hill near his home to improve his strength and stamina.

The season was over before it started, but the hard work continues. Instead of preparing for a spring high school season (he’s still holding out hope of finding somewhere to play this summer), Oufiero is gearing up for his next destination, the University of Maine at Farmington. He committed to the school’s baseball program in April.


“I’m grateful to (UMF) coach (Chris) Bessey for giving me an opportunity to play at the next level,” he said.

At Farmington, he will be reunited with several fellow Vikings. But losing his senior season at Oxford Hills means losing his last chance to play with many of the friends he grew up with.

“The worst thing about this is I’m not going to be able to play with those guys again,” Oufiero said.

It also would have been his final season playing for his father, Joe, a long-time assistant coach who has coached him in three sports since first grade.

“It’s going to be kind of weird not having him there next year,” Noah said. “He’s been coaching me in baseball, football and basketball for a long time.”

— Randy Whitehouse



“To the seniors of OHCHS, Thank you for many years of dedication, hard work and memories. The community is all saddened that your senior year has ended this way. It was your time to shine. Keep your chins up and tackle your next adventure as you did at OHCHS. Best of luck and we are proud to call you Vikings.”

— Oxford Hills baseball coach Shane Slicer

Andrew Binette

Andrew Binette
“Andrew gained valuable experience last year, adding depth, mainly in a relief role, for a strong pitching staff. He continued his success (last) summer pitching for the Bessey Motors (American) Legion team. Andrew is a consistent performer and prepared for any challenge he is faced with. His ability to pound the strike zone, attack hitters and eat up innings made him a valuable pitcher on our staff. Andy will attend the University of Maine and major in business.”

Noah Oufiero

Noah Oufiero
“Noah is a rare three-sport athlete who has dedicated himself to being that at OHCHS. He is a hard worker, mentally tough, and willing to do whatever it takes for the success of the team. Noah has been patiently awaiting his chance in baseball, playing behind an all-conference infield. His work ethic, passion and desire was giving him that chance to play a major role on this year’s squad. Noah’s commitment to baseball will give him his chance playing at UMF.”

Jacob Paar

Jacob Parr
“Jacob has participated in the game he loves his entire life. He is a good teammate, always positive and works hard to be the best he can be. Jacob has been a key contributor on very successful JV teams as a third baseman and first baseman. He plans to pursue a career in law enforcement after high school.”


Caden Truman

Cade Truman
“Cade is a strong athlete with great power and athleticism. He had an excellent season last year, starting for the (Northern) Maine champions and adding some needed pop and depth in a solid lineup. Cade had a great football season and would have had a promising baseball season, posing as a difficult out in the middle of our order. Cade will continue to play baseball next season at Thomas College.”

Wyatt Williamson

Wyatt Williamson
“Wyatt is a four-year starter as a catcher/pitcher and first-team all-conference selection last year. Wyatt brings tremendous toughness, leadership and work ethic to the baseball program. He has worked extremely hard to become one of the best catchers in the state, and his 12-1 record on the mound last year in high school and (American) Legion baseball made Wyatt one of the top players to watch in the state. Wyatt’s passion for baseball is unparalleled and will be a key factor in his success playing for USM next year.”


Brooke Carson

Brooke Carson
“When Brooke is playing first base, she has the ability to focus on catching the ball even if a runner is going right down the path towards her. She can block out all other distractions and catch the ball. The thing that stands out the most about Brooke is her lightning speed. Whether it is tracking down a pop fly or running the base paths, she can cover a lot of ground in no time at all. She also has the ability to lay down a perfect bunt or hit the ball over the fence with her power. Last year Brooke broke the single-season stolen base record. Brooke will attend USM, majoring in Business and playing field hockey in the fall.”

Ashley Childs

Ashley Childs
“Is the anchor behind the plate. She and Lauren (Merrill) communicate well to come up with the best pitching plan to help Lauren limit the other team’s success at the plate. Also, her throw to second is very effective. Not many runners attempt to steal off Ashley. She is also one to be recognized at the plate. Ashley will attend University of Rhode Island, majoring in nutrition and dietetics.”

Madison Day

Madison Day
“One of the smoothest players I have seen field a ground ball. Her ability to track the ball, get her footwork in place and make a play is some of the best in the league. She is amazing to watch and can turn a double play with ease. She has such quick reactions to a hit ball that one would think that Maddy knew where the ball was going before it was hit. In three seasons, Madison is Oxford Hills’ fourth all-time career doubles leader. Madi will attend USM, majoring in sports management and play softball.”


Haley Dillingham

Haley Dillingham
“(Was) coming back after a year away. As a sophomore, she made solid contact and used her speed to be a threat at the plate. She was also extremely valuable, as she could play both outfield and infield. The definition of a utility player.”

Kori Kahkonen

Kori Kahkonen
“Kori used her power at the plate, and had six doubles last year to help the Viking offense. She has a strong arm and was able to be a key factor in the outfield last year. Kori will attend University of Maine at Augusta to study Dental Hygiene.”

Kaitlyn McKinnon

Kaitlyn McKinnon
“Kaitlyn was a great asset for the JV softball program both on and off the field. She was an outfielder for the JV team, and excelled in her academics. Kaitlyn will attend CMCC and study culinary arts.”

Lauren Merrill

Lauren Merrill
“Lauren is one of the key ingredients to making Oxford Hills softball be at the level it has been for the past three years. Lauren commands the diamond and LOVES to compete and is a true student of the game. She is willing to work year-round, and that is the reason why she is as great as she is. She is surrounded by great players, and has a way of bringing the players together to motivate them to be their best. She also speaks with her bat, as she is second in all-time career hits (in) just three seasons. Lauren will attend USM, major in Nursing and play softball.”

Krysten Morse

Krysten Morse
“Krysten has been one of the veteran girls on the JV softball team. She was a strong outfielder for the team, but really did well with her bat. She always pulled through at the plate in some clutch situations. She was a leader on and off the field — always working hard to improve her game. Krysten will join the workforce and as a prep chef.”

Rachel Newcomb

Rachel Newcomb
“Rachel was extremely valuable as a base runner with her speed, and had a great arm at shortstop for our JV program. Her junior year she suffered a head injury, which unfortunately stopped her from finishing the year with the softball program. Rachel will attend URI to study criminology and criminal justice.”



“(Assistant) coach (Kate) Soehren and I were really looking forward to seeing the girls’ continued growth and progress as a team, leadership and overall lacrosse players. We were eager to see the younger players find their roles on the team and the overall camaraderie grow to develop from both underclassmen and upperclassmen.”

— Oxford Hills girls lacrosse coach Jaimee Smith

Julia Colby

Julia Colby
“We were looking forward to her offensive contribution and her ability to move without the ball.”

Cecelia Dieterich

Cecelia Dieterich
“Led the team with her positioning, consistent movement, and controlled the tempo of the game throughout midfield play.”

Megan Godbout

Megan Godbout
“Eager to see her improvement, and (she) was showing great off-ball movement on offense and adding different shots and shot selection to her repertoire.”


Margaret Hartnett

Maggie Hartnett
“Showed great growth in her shot selection and ability to move without the ball inside the critical scoring area. We were excited to see her continue to improve and grow as an offensive player.”

Marissa Paine

Marissa Paine
“Demonstrated a great work ethic and (was) extremely coachable. She leads the defense with her positioning and field awareness. We were looking forward to seeing her growth in the offensive third, as well.”

Jade Smedberg

Jade Smedberg
“Quietly and fiercely led by example. She had multiple interceptions and knockdowns (which) made her a defensive powerhouse; and (she was) influential in offensive transitions, that made her a playmaker.”

Nadia Wielki

Nadia Wielki
“Eager to learn the game, and improve her skills in team defense, where she worked to contribute to knockdowns and double-teaming.”


“Hard work. Dedication. Grit. These are just a few words that come to mind with this 2020 Senior class. We are saddened by the loss of their final season here at Oxford Hills, but appreciative and lucky to have worked with them on and off the field, as well as all the memories we created. Thank you for your hard work and memories. Once a Viking, always a Viking. ‘Wematin’ on 3 …”


— Oxford Hills boys lacrosse coach Hunter Rowell

Tommy Bancroft

Tommy Bancroft, Faceoff/Midfield
“Started playing lacrosse in elementary school with clubs in the area. A determined faceoff and midfielder, as well as one of our captains, able to go through many defenders like a train. Tommy will be attending the University of Maine to study Engineering in the fall.”

Wyatt Bryant

Wyatt Bryant, Attack
“Started playing in middle school. Joined the high school program as a goaltender and transitioned into a solid attack for our offense, bringing a hard shot on cage and making the necessary plays. Wyatt will be attending Thomas College in the fall to study Business.”

Dalton Cheever

Dalton Cheever, Midfield
“Started playing lacrosse as a freshman. An agile midfield player (who) picked up the game quickly, became a very solid defensive midfielder. Will be participating in a gap year before going to college to study Astrophysics.”

Blaine Cyr

Blaine Cyr, Attack
“Started playing lacrosse in middle school. Played many offensive positions before finding a place at the position of attack, making many great plays. Blaine will be joining the Coast Guard after graduation and hopes to play club lacrosse.”

Jake Domegan

Jake Domegan, Defense
“Started playing lacrosse in elementary school with clubs in the area. One of our strong long pole defenders since entering the high school program, as well as a ground-ball seeker, assisting on transitions well. Jake will be seeking education at EMCC or White Mountain Community College to study Diesel Mechanics.”


Devin Dumais

Devin Dumais, Attack
“Started playing lacrosse in middle school. In high school, joined the team as a midfielder, but found his calling as an attack with a very strong, on-point, side-arm shot. Devin will be studying HVAC in the fall from a trade school.”

Zachary Fillebrown

Zach Fillebrown, Midfield
“This would have been Zach’s first year with the program, but (he) is friends with many of the guys on the team. Wish we could have worked with him sooner. Zach will be attending Husson University in the fall to study Criminal Justice.”

Joshua Guffey

Josh Guffey, Midfield
“Hardworking Midfielder who transferred from Morse as an underclassmen. Very quick on his feet and (has) great stickwork. Josh will be joining BIW in the trade of welding.”

Parker Lessard

Parker Lessard, Goalie
“Started playing lacrosse as a freshman. He joined the program as a short stick midfielder and picked up a goalie stick and became one of our talented goaltenders. Parker will be joining the Coast Guard after graduation, with plans to attend college later to study Criminal Justice.”

Owen Orlando

Owen Orlando, Defense
“Started playing lacrosse in middle school. A strong long pole, dependable and did a great job transitioning the ball to the offensive end of the field. Also one of our captains. Owen will be attending Thomas College in the fall to study Psychology and minor in Coaching.”

Patrick Paine

Pat Paine, Defense
“Started playing his freshman year as a short stick midfielder and quickly transitioned into a long pole, willing to take the ball up the middle on many occasions, transitioning the play quickly. Pat will be attending school in the fall.”


Nathan Plourde

Nate Plourde, Goalie
“Started playing lacrosse his freshman year. Played goalie in soccer and figured out quickly it translated to lacrosse, becoming one of our talented goaltenders. Nate will be attending University of Southern Maine School of Music in the fall.”

Seamus Winning, Oxford Hills boys lacrosse

Seamus Winning

Seamus Winning, Midfield/ Short Stick Defender
“Started playing lacrosse in middle school (before) joining the high school program on faceoffs and quickly became a short stick defender. Seamus will be attending Maine Maritime Academy in the fall to study Power Engineering Technology.”


Mikalia Davis

Mikalia Davis
“I sincerely wish I could have experienced what Mikalia could have brought to the team. Her senior year would have been her first with us. I’ve known her off the court and there is no question that if she applied even a percentage of her academic drive, she would never look back with regret.”

Jordyn Gates

Jordyn Gates
“Another senior who is choosing to play tennis for the first time. I have to admire an individual who, in what could be a time to kick back and ride the wave, chooses to kick it up a notch. This only shows us that we missed out on what could have been a great year for her, and us, as a team.”

Katherine Haley

Katherine (Kat) Haley
“In one word: Perseverance. It’s her best quality. She is well-rounded and a light to be around. She sees the bigger picture. I believe for her it was to be a part of a family beyond the traditional definition. No doubt, we will see great things from Kat.”


Paige Lord

Paige Lord
“From her first season during sophomore year, Paige has brought passion and grit. I truly hope she takes that quality into the future. It will take her far. There is something about her tenacity that is inspiring. Never count her out.”

Hanna Ney

Hanna Ney
“She would have been my only fourth-year player. She has taken such pride in this team. I have relied on her for much of my own lessons through this. Hanna is not a quitter and will prove to everyone that she deserves all her success.”

Madeline Priola

Madeline (Maddy) Priola
“Spunky. Maddy came in junior year. With an athletic ability and accepting personality, she took to the sport faster than I could have imagined. Coming in to senior year she was set to be a top doubles player and I think it gave her a boost of confidence. Not that she ever needed one.”

Olivia Rowe

Olivia Rowe
“In just the two short years that she has been a part of our team she has developed into a lead doubles player. I truly wish I could have seen her take it one step further this year. As her coach and spectator, if she is passionate about it, I can honestly say that nothing will get less than 100.”

Marla Tanous

Marla Tanous
“My number one singles player and an all-star academically in her class. Win or lose on the court, she always learned from it. That is a characteristic that will set her up for leadership and success. There is nothing she won’t be able to achieve.”



Destiney Brennan

Destiny Brennan
“A four-year outdoor track (team) member. A great teammate. This group of seniors were a pleasure coach over the years. She was a hard worker. She was able to balance a tough academic and work schedule with her track.”

Abigail Cassidy

Abigail Cassidy
“Abigail Cassidy does not give up or give in. A participant of both indoor and outdoor track, she is a devoted and skilled athlete. Abigail works hard for every event and strives to get better every day.”

Rachel Chase

Rachel Chase

“Rachel Chase is a driving force in track. She trains year-round for her events and enjoys running. Rachel is a dedicated athlete who cares about the sport in which she competes and her peers that she participates with.”

Tim Hilligoss

Timothy Hilligoss
“Timothy Hilligoss is a highly reliable track and field athlete. You can depend on him to help out and do his part. He puts the team first in many ways and performs to the best of his ability.”

Riley McGough

Riley McGough
“As a four-year member of the track team, Riley improved each season. She proved to be a great teammate. She always gave her best effort, no matter the opponent.”


Ruby Morrison

Ruby Morrison
“Ruby is a four-year member of the outdoor track team. She was a great competitor and a super teammate. She continued to strive to be the best she could be each season.”

Josie Smith

Josie Smith
“Josie is not one to give up or go easy. She is a competitor on and off the track. Her determination and desire to be better each season was a valuable asset for Josie.”

Jayda Stevens

Jayda Stevens
“A two-year member of the OH Track team. She found time to commit to the team even though she had so many other responsibilities. She was able to carry over her desire to be one of the best from her other athletic endeavors to the track team. She was a valuable asset to the team.”

Kyle Willis

Kyle Willis
“Kyle participated in all four years of high school on the track team. He improved his performance from season to season. He is considered a valuable member of the team, particularly by his teammates.”

Catrina Wilson

Caterina Wilson
“Caterina Wilson brings a great team spirit into her training and competition. She strives to become a better athlete and is willing to step out of her comfort zone to help out the team. Her selfless and positive attitude are a great example to others.”

Jeffrey Worster

JJ Worster
“This would have been JJ’s second year on the track team. He was able to bring his athletic abilities from wrestling and football to make a difference on the track team. He will be missed as a valuable member of the team.”

Photos and quotes compiled by Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School athletic director Kevin Ryan. Quotes provided by baseball coach Shane Slicer, softball coach Cindy Goddard, track and field coaches Luc Roy and Nate Danforth, girls lacrosse coach Jaimee Smith, boys lacrosse coach Hunter Rowell, girls tennis coach Elizabeth Cheevers-Youngs.