Farmington food closet open for pickup

FARMINGTON — The Care and Share Food Closet, 508 Fairbanks Road, is open from noon to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday. It is also open from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday for anyone, client or not, to pick up fresh perishable products.

The food closet provides a three-to-five-day supply of food once a month to those in need in the area with curbside pickup.

Those who need delivery due to illness or who are unable to get there may have delivery arranged. Call 207-778-0508 to make arrangements.


Litchfield school team goes to state finals

LITCHFIELD — The “Vicious Vipers” team from Carrie Ricker School won the regional round of the Maine Student Book Award Tournament and are the Central Maine champions. The seven members of the Vicious Vipers from Carrie Ricker School are: Fiona McDonough, Stanley Golob, Evelyn Caron, Jocelyn Davis, Cameron Simpson, Jeremiah Violette, and Olivia French.
The Vicious Vipers will represent Carrie Ricker School, RSU 4 and central Maine in the final round, the state championship, next week.
School Librarian Aimee Maheux said this is the second year of the MSBA tournament and the second year the fifth-grade team of seven from Carrie Ricker represents central Maine at the state championship.
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