KINGFIELD — A local teenager missing since Monday was located late Wednesday after a residential alarm went off at a West Kingfield Road home and a state trooper found him inside, Sheriff Scott Nichols Sr. said Thursday.

The 15-year-old boy ran away Monday morning from his home on Hinckley Pit Road.

Deputies spent over 25 hours searching for the teenager. Game Wardens and a Maine Forest Service helicopter also took part in searches. The boy’s family and friends also looked for him.

There were several sightings of the teen reported but he could not be found.

Trooper Jillian Monahan was in the area of the West Kingfield Road when an alarm went was reported at the West Kingfield Road residence at about 11:27 p.m., Nichols said. Deputy David Davol was also working the area.

The boy was taken into custody and taken to Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington for a medical evaluation. Maine Department of Health and Human Services was also notified, Nichols said.


Deputies had assumed because of the amount of bugs in the woods, the teen would be held up in an unoccupied building or a car.

The Sheriff’s Office received a complaint at about 10:53 a.m. Monday of an assault by a juvenile at a home on Hinckley Pit Road and that the juvenile had run into the woods, Nichols said Wednesday.

Deputies went to the house and searched the area but did not find him.

The teen has run off in the past, Nichols said.

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