Corrina Tancrede is the featured artist for the month of June through mid July in the Auburn Gritty’s Art and Ale Window. Submitted photo

Corrina Tancrede is the featured artist for the month of June through mid July in the Auburn Gritty’s Art and Ale Window.

Tancrede has always been creative. A hair dresser, a baker, and all around crafter, she found her passion in painting in February 2016 when she attended a local paint night. She began taking instruction at Wicked Illustrations Studio and Gallery in Lewiston and, since then, she has become more involved in her community, the arts, and Wicked Illustrations.

She has sold original works and has assisted on three mural projects in Lewiston; one on Centreville Garage, one on Rainbow Bikes and #wickedwings on Lisbon St. She also painted the turtle themed fire hydrant on Lisbon St.

Tancrede is originally from California, she has lived in Germany and Hawaii and has been part of the Lewiston community for almost 10 years. She is proud to call the city her home. Hawaii is where she developed a love of sea life that inspires her work. She works primarily in acrylic but loves to dabble in other media.

For more information or to submit your own work, visit