HALLOWELL — Winners of Art2020, the 25th annual Juried Show presented by The Harlow gallery, have been chosen. This year’s show is online and can be visited at theharlow.org/post/art2020 through Sunday, June 21. View a list of the prize winning artists online at theharlow.org/post/art2020-prize-winners. Thirty-one works of art by 30 artists were selected by juror Erin Hutton to be included. Hutton is an art adviser, curator and founder of Erin Hutton Projects, erinhuttonprojects.com/about.

Artists accepted into Art2020 by town

Augusta: Adrienne Beacham, Michael R. Stevenson; Bath: John P. Gardiner; Belfast: David Estey; Brunswick: Olga Merrill; Camden: Ingrid Ellison, Jessica Rhoades; Farmington: Sandra Stanton; Gardiner: Kate Harris, Matt Demers; Hermon: Diane L. Woodworth; Kennebunk: Julia Einstein; Northport: Sally Stanton; Pittston: Judith Schuppien; Portland: Brian Smith, Eric Stark, Kimberly Convery, Larinda Meade, Rabee Kiwan; Rockland: Ronald Frontin; Skowhegan: Ryan Kohler; South Berwick: Anne Post Poole, Sheila Orifice Rogers; South Portland: Dean McCrillis; Standish: Ian A. Hanks; Topsham: Ian Trask; Westbrook: Jennifer Lee Morrow; Wiscasset: Edward Buonvecchio; Woodstock, N.Y.: Tracey Cockrell; and Yarmouth: Pamela LB Shockey.

Prize awards

“Snaggletooth” by Ryan Kohler of Skowhegan. Art2020, juror’s choice. Submitted photo

“Cobscook Shore” by Larinda Meade of Portland. Art2020, third place. Submitted photo

“Making My Mark” by Jennifer Lee Morrow of Westbrook. Art2020, second place. Submitted photo

“Fishers” by David Estey of Belfast. Art2020, Best in Show. Submitted photo

Best in Show was awarded to David Estey of Belfast for his acrylic and graphite on panel titled “Fishers.” Hutton wrote, “David’s use of the materials, mark-making and subtle narrative leaves the viewer captivated by curiosity. He states, ‘My finished pieces are sometimes nonrepresentational but more often, oddly narrative.’”

Second place was awarded to Jennifer Lee Morrow of Westbrook for her mixed media titled “Making My Mark.” Morrow said, “Ultimately, I strive to create objects of beauty that will enhance the viewers’ lives as they connect to the story, the colors, the surfaces and the imagery of each piece.” Hutton says, “I’m most drawn to just this within her work. I see something different each time I look at this piece — building on the story that is there.”


Third place was awarded to Larinda Meade of Portland for her aquatint, drypoint etching, “ Cobscook Shore.” Hutton said, “‘Cobscook Shore’ is filled with energy and calm at the same time. The skillful use of materials to create a soft landscape offers the viewer a rich composition that flows across the page.”

Juror’s Choice Prize was awarded to Ryan Kohler of Skowhegan for his mixed media on canvas, “Snaggletooth.” Hutton wrote, “Ryan’s ‘Snaggletooth’ is a combination of skillful material handling that creates a playful and intriguing atmosphere. His use of color and light captivate me and create an energy that envelopes the canvas.”

Honorable mentions

Ingrid Ellison of Camden for her oil on panel, “Summer Plans”; Ronald Frontin of Rockland for his oil on paper, “Alone”; Ian Trask of Topsham for his work, “Hoop,” made from miscellaneous materials, thread and monofilament; Sandra Stanton of Farmington for her oil on canvas, “Balm”; and Tracey Cockrell of Woodstock, New York, for her work, “Seaweed Remembers the Sounds of the Oceans: Seaweed SoundGarden #1” made with kelp, conductive thread, earth magnets, ebony, microcontrollers, rechargeable batteries, audio of Maine coast and Bay of Fundy.

The Harlow is at 100 Water St. Exhibitions are free and open to the public. Hours are from noon to 6 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. For more information, visit harlowgallery.org or call 207-622-3813.