WILTON — The Planning Board on Thursday, June 18, approved revisions to ordinances governing exploding targets and elective electrical transmission corridors.

Both ordinances will go to voters for approval this summer.

The exploding target ordinance restricts the detonation of any device that would explode by impact from a firearm within town limits.

The moratorium ordinance on elective electrical transmission corridors gives the Planning Board the authority to regulate electrical development such as power lines in the town.

Revisions to the adult use and medical marijuana ordinance continue, but the board plans to vote on a final draft at the next meeting. Board members discussed adding a clause that would grandfather the five medical marijuana caregivers in Wilton. This would allow other individuals to apply for a license without exceeding the ordinance’s limit of three medical marijuana licenses.

Due to the breadth of the ordinance and the number of interested residents following the town’s proposed policy on marijuana operations, the board discussed holding a separate town meeting.


“A special town meeting could pass this ordinance,” Code Enforcement Officer Charlie Lavin said at the Zoom meeting.

There is no set date yet for Wilton’s town meeting due to challenges posed by state-mandated, COVID-19 gathering restrictions.

Ambition Brewery’s business use application, which will allow the owners to expand their taproom seating to include space in the neighboring building at 285 Main St., was unanimously approved. A hallway was constructed to connect the brewery to the additional building, which also provides access to an outdoor seating area that overlooks Wilson Stream and Main Street.

“Currently we’re kind of limited as weather permits, but going forward we’ll be looking at a five-day, Wednesday through Sunday schedule,” Ambition Brewery co-owner Jeff Chaisson said via Zoom. “We’re not set in stone yet.”

The brewery was permitted to serve customers in its outdoor seating area June 12 as part of Gov. Mills’ accelerated reopening for bars, tasting rooms and gyms. Bars are classified under stage three of Mills’ plan which outlined July 1, as the reopening date for bars to offer indoor service. The Mills’ administration has since postponed that date until further notice due to correlating trends in other states between spikes in coronavirus cases and bars reopening for full service.

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