COLUMBIA FALLS — Wreaths Across America (WAA) has announced that its Stem to Stone 5K Road Race to be held in Columbia Falls, Maine, on Saturday, July 18, will continue as planned as a live race that runners and supporters can participate in. However, understanding that there may be people who want to participate but have personal concerns regarding COVID-19, it will also be held as a virtual event too. The live 5k race will be run in accordance with the CDC’s recommendation for large gatherings stemming from concerns surrounding the pandemic.

This sixth race in a series of eight, is in partnership with event management and timing company CompetitorME, and was announced earlier this year and features eight 5K road races peppered throughout the year. Some of these races have been converted into a VIRTUAL races in places like Nevada and Colorado, this race will be unique as it will be the only hybrid live / virtual 5k race held this year. Registration for virtual participation will be open through race day.

Click here to register.

“The goal of this race series is to build community awareness and understanding of the organization’s yearlong mission to Remember, Honor, Teach,” the executive director of Wreaths Across America. Karen Worcester  said “However, in light of the current health crisis, we feel these races have taken on even more meaning by providing the opportunity for people to safely participate in something healthy and fun, while supporting and giving back in their own community during this uncertain time.”

Each individual virtual race registration sponsors a fresh, balsam veteran’s wreath to be placed by volunteers on National Wreaths Across America Day, Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020, at more than 2,100 participating locations nationwide. During check out, registrants can designate the Sponsorship Group or participating Wreaths Across America Location they’d like the wreath sent to. To find a cemetery near you to support click here.

“We’re hopeful that families use this as an opportunity to teach community spirit, as something as simple as running on a treadmill, can be transformed into something with significant meaning for so many,” added Jonathan Kelley owner of CompetitorME.

Both our live and virtual participants will receive personalized racing bibs (on which we encourage participants to write the name of the person that they are running for) and commemorative finisher medallions, with event t-shirts being provided to the first 200 people to register before race day! There is also a digital app in which they can also use in order to feel more connected to the fun called RaceJoy. This app allows its participants to hear special messages from the organizers as they participate in the race.

To bring further attention to the mission, WAA will be holding a live FREE Virtual Concert on the WAA official Facebook page ( at 7PM on Sunday July 19th.