ROXBURY — Saturday at 10 a.m., the Roxbury ATV Riders will be opening up a brand new trail. The trail begins at the Roxbury ATV Riders Park and Ride off Route 120 in Roxbury and ends at the Beliveau Road in Rumford.

ATVer’s will be able to ride from Roxbury to Rumford, Woodstock, Peru, Dixfield, Byron, Andover, Carthage and Mexico Trails. Riders can also access the wind towers, Knotty Moose Restaurant, Silverlake Campground, , Lone Mountain Campground, Mills Market, Devil’s Den, BCoos Canyon Campground, Coos Canyon Rock and Gift, Angel Falls, Oquossoc ATV Club trails and additional club trails further north.

Funds for the trail came from memberships, a state municipal grant and a Polaris Trail grant for $10,000.

Over three years ago, a landowner closed a section of trail for logging in Byron, and proceeded to close the trail permanently, afterwards. The decision was a huge blow to the club, considering it was the only way riders could connect Rumford and Mexico Trails.

Following the closure, the club started contacting other landowners in the area for permission, and once they had enough land, began marking the new trail. The next year they cut the trail out and in the third year they added bridges, culverts, ditches, water bars and signage.

Special signs were also added to end of each trail recognizing Roxbury ATV Riders and Polaris.

The club would like to thank Scott Coley, Jessie Chisolm, Frank Coyne, Bob Linkletter and A&B Forestry, who were the five landowners that helped make this project possible.

The club will be accepting donations to help with trail maintenance. People who want to donate can send checks to the Roxbury ATV Riders Club, P.O. Box 82, Roxbury, Maine, 04275 or by using PayPal with the email