Farmington Board of Selectmen agenda
6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 11
***The meeting will be conducted through remote access by telephonic, video, and electronic means. The public may attend by viewing the livestream at or Facebook at and/or calling 778-5874***
Item 1: Pledge of Allegiance
Item 2: To hold a public hearing on the following application for a marijuana business: Chad Crandall 20-MJ-03 Medical marijuana store 361 Wilton Road U34-008-B
Item 3: To review the 2020 tax rate scenarios
Item 4: To appoint the local plumbing inspector
Item 5: To consider the application of Amy Soper to serve as an associate member on the Conservation Commission
Item 6: To consider the application of Kyle Terrio to Serve as an alternate member on the Zoning Board
Item 7: To cast a ballot for the Maine Municipal Association vice president and executive committee members
Item 8: To approve the minutes of July 28
Item 9: To discuss other business
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