WILTON — The Planning Board approved three business use applications Thursday, August 20, including an expansion for a medical marijuana caregiver, a powersports equipment shop, and a used car sales operation.

The Honey Comb Farm’s business use application had been tabled until residents voted on the Adult Use and Medical Marijuana Stores, Cultivation Facilities, Manufacturing Facilities, and Testing Facilities Ordinance at the annual Town Meeting on August 17. The approval will allow the operation to expand to the adjacent building at 844 US 2 East where an additional grow facility will be installed.

The Honey Comb Farm will operate grow operations in the basements of both buildings. The board asked owner Brian Patterson what plans were in place to address any potential odors.

Wilton residents have voiced concerns about marijuana grow facilities emitting unpleasant smells.

Patterson will install two methods of odor control which include charcoal carbon scrubbers.

“It’s an initial smell preventer, and then the other one is an ozone generator, which basically it’s the same thing that sanitizes the smells at old folks’ homes, doctor’s offices,” Patterson said. “I mean, if you walk into any medical facility they usually have that same smell.”


Dan Daigle, who has purchased Frechette’s Ski Doo snowmobile, ATV & power equipment business at 912 US 2 East, got board approval also. He will continue the snowmobile business, but change the name to Mountain Side Powersports.

The board inquired about potential runoff from auto-related repair work going into the property’s pond and requested that Daigle submit the environmental study done at the time of purchase.

Jeff Williams’ application to sell used autos at 461 US 2 East was also approved.

The Select Board also met prior to the Planning Board to approve police, water, wastewater and office union contracts.

The Select Board also approved the reappointment of Planning Board member Michael LeClair for another five years. LeClair currently serves as the Planning Board’s chairman.

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