To the Editor:

Ken Morse is the right choice for state representative in District 71. He is rooted in Maine and was raised on a sixth generation family orchard in Waterford. His leadership abilities include organizing, coordinating, publishing, speaking and, most importantly, active listening.

Ken has passionately strived to create a sustainable food network to allow the state of Maine to become food independent as well as food interdependent. Ken’s work has included, among others, active roles in Fare Share Co-op, partnership director of Healthy Oxford Hills, education and publishing for Federation of Maine Cooperatives, coordinator of Maine Farm to School Work Group, and a member of Farm to Institution New England Leadership Team.

Ken has vowed to do everything he can to protect our land, sea, and air through support of policies to protect our natural bounty. Ken strongly supports world class education to ensure we maintain democracy and vibrant communities. We need Ken Morse for District 71.

Philip and Terry Merrill
West Paris

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