Police look over a motorcycle at the intersection of Grove Street and Crowley Road in Sabattus on Friday evening. The rider was killed in a collision with a car, police said. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

The front end of Angela St. Amant’s Subaru after it was struck by a motorcycle in Sabattus on Friday. Sabattus Police Department

SABATTUS — A motorcyclist was killed Friday afternoon when his bike collided with a car at Crowley Road and Grove Street at about 5:30 p.m.

Police said Jason Cyr, 40, of Sabattus was killed on impact when his Harley Davidson veered into oncoming traffic and struck the front of car traveling in the opposite direction.

The biker ended up in the roadway, reportedly bleeding heavily from a leg injury and other injuries. Several passersby stopped to render aid while police and rescue crews were on the way.

The woman and child in the car he struck were taken to a Lewiston hospital to be examined for injuries not considered life threatening. The driver of that car, a Subaru Impreza, was later identified as 41-year-old Angela St. Amant, of Lisbon Falls. She was driving with her 6-year-old daughter when her car was struck by Cyr’s bike.

Police said St. Amant had been traveling westbound on Crowley Road when an eastbound Cyr veered into her lane as he rounded the corner at Grove Street. The front end of St. Amant’s car was mangled by the impact and the airbags inside the car deployed, police said. She and her daughter, both seat-belted at the time of the crash, were taken to Central Maine Medical Center to be examined after the wreck. They were later discharged.

Police said Cyr had been traveling at a high rate of speed and alcohol was also believed to have been a factor. He was not wearing a helmet when he crashed.

A section of Crowley Road was closed as investigators from Sabattus, Lewiston, the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Department and Maine State Police examined the crash site.

By Saturday morning, flowers and other items were placed at the scene of the crash in memory of Cyr.

Police close the intersection of Grove Street and Crowley Road in Sabattus on Friday evening after a collision that killed a motorcyclist. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

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