Social media accounts
GregFoster2020; Facebook, Greg Foster For Maine House District 66

Consulting forester

Bachelor science degree in forest management

Community Organizations:
Raymond Conservation Commission; Raymond Ordinance Review Committee; Raymond Comprehensive Plan Committee; Raymond Planning Board; Raymond ballot clerk

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
I like antique trucks, cars and tractors and own several; making maple syrup; assisting my biologist friend with various animal studies and other things; actively harvesting my own forest property. I am a trustee at my church, and very involved with my church.

Family status:
Divorced, one daughter


Years in the Legislature: None

Committee assignments (if elected):
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; Natural Resources


1) Are you satisfied with the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? If yes, why? If not, what do you think should be done instead?
No. We could have avoided hundreds of business closings if 13 or 14 of the most rural counties re-opened in April, and selectively applied appropriate restrictions in high population areas.

2) As the state tries to balance its upcoming budget in light of the reduction in tax revenue because of the pandemic, how would you decrease expenses or increase revenues?
An improved business climate from reduced government cost will result in better performing businesses. Thriving businesses will result in increased tax revenues from them and their employees.

3) How does serving as a local politician in your respective party align to the larger goals of that party?
The Republican Party tends to be one of limited government and business friendly. I fit quite well in that arena.

4) What do you think is the most pressing matter that pertains to the next generation of Mainers who may be voting for the first time?
Young inexperienced voters need to clearly understand what happens to them if they endorse socialism.They also need to fully understand who or what they are voting for, otherwise they should not vote.

5) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?
I am more concerned about the bias in the news media, and the lack of being objective. Readers expect to learn from the news, and expect distortion of facts in political ads.

6) If you are elected, is there anything in particular that you hope to accomplish? And briefly, why?
Advance a better business climate by reducing government costs to business. A thriving economy will help cure a lot of ills in Maine, including dependency on government and drugs.