To the Editor:

The murder of George Floyd had a profound affect on me. It opened my eyes to the injustices people of color have had to endure in this Country for generations. Up until then, I was only vaguely aware of the problem. Living in rural, mostly white Maine, I felt racism didn’t exist here. We were somehow exempt, above it all. I was wrong.

Maine certainly does have a problem not unlike the rest of this nation. His death forced me to re-examine certain attitudes, and review comments I’ve heard or comments I’ve made myself. The times I could have and should have spoken up against racist, prejudice statements yet remained silent, reluctant to “rock the boat.”

As awareness of our shortcomings to address these issues spread, I hope and pray that we will all change for the better, that we will be more tolerant of “those from away”, and those that look or speak differently from us. Let us not feel threatened by our differences but enriched by them. We are being called upon to “rock the boat” a little for the good of us all.

Deborah Burke

East Wilton