To the Editor:

Tiffany Maiuri is all of the above. The words describe her years of service at both the municipal and county levels of government in Franklin County. That is why I am voting for her on November 3 to represent District 1 (Temple, Wilton, Jay, Carthage, Washington and Perkins Townships) on the Board of the Franklin County Commissioners.

In my years of reporting on Franklin County for the Morning Sentinel and the Livermore Falls Advertiser and as a staff writer for the Maine Townsman reporting on  municipal government across Maine, I observed the good, the bad  and the indifferent in municipal  leadership.

I know leadership when I see it. And Maiuri fills the bill. She continually displays these qualities as a member of Wilton’s Select Board and Franklin County’s Budget Committee.

Asked to describe actions she had taken as chair of the Wilton Select Board that had proven most successful, she said one was when she spearheaded a move for the town to hire its own part-time economic developer.  An unusual move for small town government. Her push to spend $12,000 in Tax Increment Financing monies resulted in four new businesses and $400,000 in economic development grants. That’s what I call leadership.

Check out her other past accomplishments and, if elected,  her forward thinking plans at They include making it easier for taxpayers to be heard, commissioners to be more accountable, and for active collaboration on a wide range of issues from public health to economic development.

Jo Josephson
