100 Years Ago: 1920
“The Androscoggin and Hill mills will tonight shut down for the remainder of the week, thus placing them upon a four-day-a-week basis, The Continental Mills shut down Wednesday night, thus placing them upon a three-day basis. At the executive offices of the Bates Manufacturing Company it was stated: “Our crochet quilt department is on a three-day basis, but looms in other departments are working on full time.” It is not known how long this condition will continue or, as one mill-man expressed it, “what another week may bring forth.”
50 Years Ago: 1970
Auburn Police Chief Stephen Smyc has received a letter of appreciation from an Auburn citizen, in connection — with services rendered by an officer last Sunday night. The officer assisted Mrs. Frances Leighton of Leighton’s Store on Minot Avenue, helping repair and lock a door. The letter from Mrs. Leighton reads as follows: “Let me take this time to sincerely and thank you and one of your patrolmen for the courtesy shown me last Sunday night at my store. I could not get my door locked and he took the time to replace some screws and repair it for me. It was after midnight, and I want to say that the Auburn Police Department is always willing to help. Again my thanks.”
25 Years Ago: 1995
The Pejepscot Historical Society is planning a special program and field trip to the site of Domhegan, former summer home of Civil War hero, Maine governor, and Bowdoin College president Joshua L. Chamberlain. The program will take place Saturday at Brunswick High School and will be followed by a trip to the actual site of the house. Domhegan is a vanished land-mark in Brunswick. Located on Simpson’s Point, about five miles from downtown, the rambling retreat contained 23 rooms. There were also several outbuildings and a long wharf, which extended more than 50 foot, into Middle Bay provided space for Chamberlain’s yacht, Pinafore. The site was important to the Chamberlains, who used the building as a summer retreat, and later operated it as a tourist hotel and a haven for New York City artists. The building burned in 1940 and has now completely vanished.
The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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