DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m looking for grief support anywhere in Western Maine. I lost a parent to the virus as well as a close cousin. — Joy, Oxford

ANSWER: First of all, Joy, I’m so sorry. You have my heart-felt sympathy.

Please contact Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice (,  795-9468 or 1-800-482-7412)  offers grief support as does St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center (777-8520). Old South Church in Farmington also has a support group (645-2884 or 778-0424). In South Paris, there is H.O.P.E (890-3673 or 743-7458). Contact them to see if they are meeting in person or on ZOOM and what safety protocols they have in place.

A local minister or your physician should also be able to assist you. Friends who have lost loved ones may have recommendations for you. Don’t be shy about reaching out for help and allowing yourself to be taken care of in ways that bring you comfort.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I saw your list of gas stations that serve seniors and disabled people in the Jan. 6 Sun Spots. As of Dec. 21 Berube’s no longer has gas. — Fred, no town

ANSWER: Thank you for letting me know! OK, readers, if you want to assist me in plumping up the Rolodex with names and locations of full-service gas stations in Sun Spots Land, now’s your chance! Please write in.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m looking for a nonprofit to donate several brown paper grocery bags. Surely, there is an organization that can use these. I can’t stand the thought of just putting them in recycling. — Vicki, Litchfield

ANSWER: Have you reached out to food pantries and any local thrift stores? Start there and see what happens. Readers, if you see a need for this commodity, please write in.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m having an awful time with my glasses fogging up now that colder weather is here and we’re still having to wear our face masks. I’ve tried a few things such as cleaning my lenses with shaving cream or dish detergent, but neither of those ideas has gone all that well. I’d like to hear from fellow Sun Spots readers about what works for them, if anything. — No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: Ah yes, the struggle is real. Those glasses are fogging up because the surface of the lenses is cooler than the air we are breathing out. I’ve had a little luck with using Dawn dish detergent to clean my glasses because it seems to slightly coat the lenses.

It also helps if you have a face covering that fits really well and is molded tight to your nose. The snug fit will keep your warm breath from escaping up onto your glasses.

I have also heard that positive results can be had by using double-sided tape to press your mask tightly into place over the bridge of your nose. Another idea is to fold a tissue length-wise and tuck it inside the top part of your face covering.

There are anti-fog products in wipes or spray form that you can purchase from your optometrist or from a drug or discount store. Buy a small bottle first and see if it gives you the results you want.

Readers, if you have more ideas, let’s hear them!

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