DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have a brown leather Flex-steel recliner in good condition to give to someone who could use it. Please call me at 744-9128. — Gordon, Norway

ANSWER: That’s very generous of you! Be prepared for lots of calls, Gordon. Stand by!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Lemon flavoring (extract) removes permanent marker. I can’t guarantee that it works on all surfaces, but it works on a lot of them. — No name, no town

ANSWER: This is an idea to add to all the remedies listed for removing permanent marker in the Jan. 6 Sun Spots.

These extracts have a bit of alcohol in them so that probably helps with the removal of the marker. No matter what substance you use, be sure to test it on a spot that you can hide if it doesn’t work out.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: You recently published a local organization that can use sports trophies. I think it was in Auburn. Can I get their phone number? — Iris, Greene


ANSWER: John F. Murphy Homes on Center Street in Auburn repurposes trophies for a variety of their activities and competitions. The organization provides housing and services for those with developmental disabilities. Contact them at  or 782-2726 to see if they are accepting donations of trophies at this time since there aren’t these kinds of activities scheduled because of the virus.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Do you have anyone who helps people with selling on eBay? I am not moving or downsizing. I just want to learn how to sell some crafts and vintage items myself and am willing to pay someone to show me the ropes and get me started. — No name, Lewiston

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have Liz at in Lewiston and also Linda Candelora at ABC Cybersell Inc. in Lovell. She notes she will travel to help customers. Her number is 925-3242.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: No matter what I do, my children’s lips are always chapped in the winter. Nothing I buy at the store works for them and I don’t like the additives, etc. Could I ask that readers share their remedies? — No name, Minot

ANSWER: Children will have a tendency to lick and pick at their lips a lot when they are chapped and dry. First off, be sure your kiddos are well-hydrated, which I know is easier said than done! To get rid of dryness, combine a bit of sugar and olive oil or coconut oil and use a dab of that on their lips as an exfoliate at bedtime. This combination also works great for dry skin and chapped hands. Have the children rub this mixture gently onto their lips then wipe it away with a warm wet face cloth.

Lastly, break open a Vitamin E capsule and use the soothing oil to moisturize those lips. Other remedies include more coconut oil, cocoa butter, almond oil, or rose essential oil. Eucerin cream (not lotion) works well too. You’re right to stay away from conventional lip balms unless they have all natural ingredients. Readers, what do you do for your chapped lips?

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to