What is or was the attraction to Trump, who may be mentally ill? Is he above the law? The 13 senators who still support his presidency are afraid to lose their states, states which should be disgraced by them.

Amazing how he can threaten the secretary of state of Georgia and get away with it, so far.

Many political pundits have either laughed or become angry with his last, let’s hope, request. He’s like an old boxer who doesn’t know when to quit.

At least he hasn’t directly killed anyone, like his buddies Putin and Yun. Politically he has destroyed the lives of many. Have there been any positive books about Trump? I haven’t seen any.

To avoid anything but Georgia, he has goofed and intimidated his group so he can win again.

Lastly, Congress has to come up with a bill to have the inauguration in early December so that a fiasco like this can’t happen again.

Am I angry and laughing at him at the same time? Yes – both.

George Ferguson, Sabattus

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