Robert and Eleanor Herrick Submitted photo

About 76 years ago on a school playground in Brunswick, a young boy named Robert Herrick shared his box of raisins with a pretty little girl named Eleanor Whitten. Robert thought Eleanor was pretty special as he loved his raisins. Who would have guessed that many years later, on Feb. 9, 1952, this little boy and girl would hold hands and pledge to love each other forever. Their first home found them in a tiny New Jersey apartment while Robert finished his Army tour. Not long after, they moved to Maine. Many years have passed since that wedding day but always their love has held steadfast no matter what life has dealtĀ  them. Theirs is a true story of love and devotion We are a large family of 9 children and several grand and great grandchildren. Their love for each other has been a great tribute to our family and strong foundation for all of us to share and strive for.

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