We the people have now fully witnessed a past president truly ignore commanding officers, as well as any public officials, his oath of office to uphold our Constitution and laws that provide for the safety and well-being of all.

Through the Senate impeachment proceedings, we the people have been provided a historical documentation of a president’s tragic failure to provide presidential leadership, while aggressively pursuing and serving personal ambitions and self gratification.

We the people must applaud the few House and Senate Republicans who voted their conscience, recognizing the true ill that our former president inflicted — and the ultimate, dramatic, disastrous and even deadly dereliction of duty committed by our former commanding officer.

Bluntly, it is time to dump Trump. We the people deserve better, and must expect and accept better — much better. Again, as once said, we must not let loyalty trump responsibility.

A former registered Republican . . .

Bob Hayes, Auburn

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