Where has our moral compass gone?

Leadership is lacking in politics, our schools, and in our corporate boardrooms. There’s no responsibility in our media that creates the narrative, and social media which amplifies it. As a result, our children are growing up confused and looking for direction anywhere they can find it. Isolation and mental issues are skyrocketing among our young. This is not good for society.

After 9/11, we Americans put our differences aside and worked together to heal our nation. We comforted one another and brought unity to our collective soul. Twenty years later, we have the right blaming the left, the left blaming the right, and racial and gender discord dominating our national discourse to affect corporate and academic policy.

Many social justice groups have helped to shape the narrative from self-responsibility to victimhood. The problem with victimhood is that people relinquish their own agency by blaming others for their woes. This is certainly not to discredit or downplay actual victims, but there is a difference.

Life is work and sacrifice. We hopefully learn from our lessons and gain wisdom as we get older. We owe it to our children to start behaving like adults and show some responsibility and gratitude.

It’s usually the simple things in life that resonate. We can do this.

Kevin Landry, Lewiston

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