This architectural drawing shows the original position of the new Edward Little High School (outlined in blue) and the new position (brown). Robert C. Klinedinst/Harriman

AUBURN — Architects opened two bids for construction of a new Edward Little High School on Tuesday, the lower one coming in at $105.4 million, roughly $625,000 or 0.6% over budget. The high bid was $108.5 million.

The construction budget for the project was set at $104.8 million, with about $14 million of that cost coming from the city; the remainder will be paid by the state. The total project budget approved by the Department of Education is $122 million.

Mark Lee of Harriman Architects and Engineers opened the proposals in the City Council Chamber on Tuesday afternoon.

Lee read the base price in each bid, followed by a list of 16 additional features that could be added, such as a storage building, baseball dugouts or skylights. The two proposals contained separate pricing for each of those additional features.

The low base bid was submitted by Arthur C. Dudley Contractor/Builder Inc. of Standish; the high bidder, Landry/French Construction of Scarborough.

Representatives for the two contractors and several subcontractors attended the opening of the sealed bids.


No decisions were made Tuesday and no contracts were awarded.

Adam Hanson, business manager for Auburn School Department, said Tuesday that the next step in the process will be for Harriman to review the details of the bidding with representatives from the Maine Department of Education and the Auburn School Department.

Harriman, who has performed engineering and architectural drawings of the new construction is expected to bring a summary of its bid analysis and recommended next steps to the New ELHS Building Committee at a scheduled videoconference meeting Tuesday, March 9, Hanson said.

When that committee has decided on a recommended direction for the project, Hanson said, the School Committee is expected to take action on its subcommittee’s recommendation, including awarding the project to a general contractor.

The new school will be built on the current Edward Little site at 77 Harris St. and the old building will be demolished.

Construction is expected to begin this spring, with completion of the project scheduled for the fall of 2023, Hanson said.