NORTH LIVERMORE — At the North Livermore Baptist Church March 14 service, the congregation was welcomed in by Pastor Bonnie Higgins at 9:30 a.m. to begin the service.
The Call to Worship was read and the Invocation/Lord’s Prayer was recited. The hymns that were sung was “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”, “Fairest Lord Jesus”, “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want”. We completed the service with “Go Now in Peace”. Linda Lyman is the organist each week.
The sermon, titled “God’s Character” reading the scripture from Isaiah 40:28. Pastor Bonnie started off with how chaotic our world has become. Every time we think it can’t get worse, it does. The one thing that does not change is God. He is always a constant in our lives for those who believe in Him. Unfortunately, this world has allowed Satan to take over too much, we have not focused enough on who God is. Pastor Bonnie reminded the congregation that God is still in control and nothing can or will take Him off the throne. We cannot have two masters; we can only serve one. If you are not serving God in your life, then you are serving Satan. There is no other choice. God doesn’t want us to be lukewarm in our relationship with Him. We are either hot on fire for Him or we are dead. We can’t be a fair weathered person. We must make a choice.
Sunday’s message was about God’s character. Who He is and what He has done for us in the past, present, and what He is in the future? Many times, as parents, we say that our kids didn’t turn out the way we had hoped they would. Some, didn’t get the grades parents wanted them to get, go to the college they wanted, or even married the person they wanted them too. Our children at least one time in their lives rebel against their parents. Their parents were disappointed. Well, God’s children disappointed Him too. We rebelled against God. Though, God was always there with His arms wide open for us with all the love and grace we needed. As parents, we guide our children through life, just as God guides us through life through His Word. Because of God, and who He is, we are given a second chance at life, just as parents give their children a second chance. God is eternal and He is also infinite. Two-character traits that only God has. He has always been here and always will be, He is limitless. These two traits go hand in hand. Eternal means – everlasting, having no beginning or no end. Infinite means – limitless, impossible to measure or calculate. God is above creation and is both greater than creation and independent of it. When we are asked to describe who God is, we can’t, it is difficult to comprehend all that He is. Because He is above all, he is perfect and is without sin. God is the author of perfection, the One who died on a cross so we could have eternal life. That is the great news, He did it all for us.
Pastor Bonnie explained that God being eternal is part of His character. Because He is the eternal salvation towards us as He has promised us of eternal life with Him. On our own, we cannot obtain eternal life, we need Him, and Him only. God has given us an inheritance, and that is eternal life after death and His protection here on earth. We trust in God for His promises to us, His love, power, grace, mercy, presence and compassion, joy, and much more. Why do we? Because we know that God is limitless, He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Because God is who He is, He is bigger than any problem we will ever face. Nothing comes to Him as a surprise in our lives, He knows it all and already has the answers. We need to have faith and seek Him. God knows about all our concerns. He is never too busy to listen to us and speak to us. As God has our entire life in His hands, all He wants us to do is to put our hope and faith in Him. God wants us to stop trying so hard to figure out our life problems and give them to Him. Trust in Him, God wants us to wait upon Him. He only wants the best for His children. Even though the outcome might not be what we expected, it will be all to the glory of God.
God will not give up on His people, He is without end. Someday, we will be with Him forever. All He is asking us to do, is to accept His Son, Jesus as our personal Savior, trust in Him, and to praise Him. God is worthy of our Praise!
Announcements listed in the bulletin was that the congregation will be collecting Canned Soup for the food pantry in March. In the month of March, we are collecting for America For Christ offering. The AA meetings are held on Friday nights at the church.
For information, check out the new website at Also, on the North Livermore Baptist Church’s Facebook page the sermon is posted and on their website is a link to YouTube for the sermon. You can email the church at Pastor Bonnie’s office hours are Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to noon. (If there is a no school day in the school district, Pastor Bonnie will not be in the church’s office that day)

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