“Bamiléké Yegué Scream Mask,” by Hervé Youmbi Submitted photo by Luc Demers

Cameroonian artist Hervé Youmbi will speak at 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, in an online presentation about his Two-Faced (Double Visage) and his Faces of Masks series.

Youmbi will addresses how his work plays with elements of appropriation, documentation, and museological practice. As he explains, Two-Faced (Double Visage) raises questions about the role of “ethnographic” practice in contemporary art. His short presentation will be followed by a conversation with Dominique Malaquais, Senior Researcher at CNRS (Institut des Mondes Africains, Paris, France) and co-director with Kadiatou Biallo of the experimental curatorial platform SPARCK (Space for Pan-African Research, Creation and Knowledge). At the program’s conclusion, Youmbi and Malaquais will answer questions from the audience.

This is an online event and registration is required. The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is located at 9400 College Station, Brunswick. For more information, call (207) 725-3275 or visit bowdoin.edu/art-museum.