FALMOUTH — A local 4-H teen council is leading a “True Leaders in Service Chicken to Kitchen Project and Food Drive” to raise 160 chickens, and raise funds and food, for area food pantries and resource centers through June 18.

A food drive is happening through Friday, June 18, to raise both non-perishable items and monetary donations to be given to the pantries and centers along with the chickens.

Food items can be dropped off in the lobby of the UMaine Extension Cumberland County Regional Learning Center, 75 Clearwater Drive, Suite 104, Falmouth, ME 04105, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily. Donation checks can be mailed to the same address and made payable to CC 4-H Leaders Association. To donate via PayPal, visit bit.ly/cc4-Hpaypal.

The 4-H Teen Council is part of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Cumberland County.

Twelve 4-H families from across the county are raising 160 chickens to donate to the Freeport, Gray, New Gloucester, Cumberland, and North Yarmouth Food Pantries, and both Wayside Food Programs, and Preble Street Resource Centers in Portland. The Chicken to Kitchen project is a continuation of a 2020 Freeport High School Senior project by Cumberland County Sheep Club 4-Her’s Natalie Domin, Rachel Wiest and Lizzie Soule.

Nine 4-H teens, including Domin and Wiest, have organized this year’s event from start to finish as part of their work on the Cumberland County 4-H Teen Council in partnership with 4-H staff member Sara Conant.

The chickens have been purchased through a donation from Shaw’s Supermarket Westgate’s Nourishing Neighbors program. The chickens’ feed was donated by Brooks Feed & Farm in Brunswick, and Radio Grove Hardware & Feed in Raymond, New Hampshire. 4-H members from across the county are donating their time, supplies, and expertise to the care and raising of these chickens in order to give back to their local communities and learn valuable life skills.

For more information, visit umaine.edu or the school’s Facebook page, or contact Sara Conant at 207-781-6099 or sara.conant@maine.edu.

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