100 Years Ago: 1921

The alumni of Jordan high School will tender a reception to the graduating class of 1921 In Lewiston City Hall on the evening of Friday, June 17. Following the program of music and speaking, the evening will be spent in dancing, music being furnished by Chandler’s twelve piece orchestra. The Hon. D.J. McGillicuddy will be the speaker of the evening. The reception is in charge of a joint committee from the alumni and the student body.

50 Years Ago: 1971

An underwater section of Lake Auburn and the streets of East Auburn received a clean-up Saturday as members of the Mt. Gile Teenage Ski Club conducted their annual clean-up campaign in the area. “Henry Davenport, adult advisor to the group said club members picked up a truck load of roadside trash on the streets at East Auburn whereas last year they got three truck loads, their first clean-up drive at East Auburn. After the street-side work, they then went to work in Lake Auburn along the traffic turnout on the Route 4 causeway.

25 Years Ago: 1996

Andrea M. Dumond and Rena L. Roy were competitors in the U.S. Model Competition held May 24 and 25 in Stamford, Conn. Judges for the competition included agents and managers from New York City and Boston. Andrea came in as second runner-up in the Youth Division and was presented an award for best personality. Rena won overall in the Teen Division and was crowned queen. Rena was also awarded a trophy as winner of the bathing suit competition for the Teen Division. Winners received a $200 savings bond. Andrea is 12 and the daughter of Tony and Joline Dumond of Lewiston. Rena is 16 and the daughter of Pat Foisy of Lewiston and Raymond Roy of Jay.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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