“Classical Guitar,” by Thor Smith (woodcut block print) Submitted photo

Thor Smith is this month’s artist in the Art and Ale window at Gritty’s in Auburn.

Born and raised in Saratoga, New York, Smith has led an interesting life that manifests in his artwork. After high school he headed west where he studied fine arts at Purdue University, anthropology at the University of Buffalo and special education at Western Governors University. Finally, settling down on the banks of the Androscoggin River in Lewiston, Smith has made Maine his home for the past decade.

Smith has worked as a commercial photographer in Chicago and Dallas and his experience as commercial photographer and painter influences his unique style of woodcut prints. He draws inspiration from culture, music anime, and dancing.

Having his full body of work on exhibition at Kimball Street Studios and twice at She Doesn’t Like Guthries and now Gritty’s, his presence has been noticed in the L/A Art Community. On the state level his artwork has been on display alongside prominent New England printmakers at the Harlow Gallery in Hallowell and part of the virtual exhibit for the Union of Maine Visual Art LOVE/RAGE Goddess exhibition.